I DID start going to the ZUMBA class regularly!! Yeah!! Actually joined for 6 months yesterday. They have a special - $12.00 for the first month and then only $30.00/month for unlimited classes after that! I try to go at least 2 times a week and sometimes even 3! It's so much fun! ZUMBA, ZUMBA, ZUMBA!! RUMBA, RUMBA, RUMBA!! Anyway, we'll see what I look like at the end of the 6 months.
I've also been spending alot of time on a great Face Book site - AF Wingmoms. It's for family and friends or those young men and women going through Air Force basic training at Lackland AFB, San Antonio, TX. My oldest grandchild, Derric, is in his 6th week there. He'll be graduating December 30th. We're all very proud of him. I'm sending his Mom, my youngest daughter, there for his graduation. Couldn't afford to pay for both of us, and it's really important for his Mom to be there. Air fare is ridiculous!! It went up $100.00 over night the weekend I bought her ticket and now it's another $200 on top of that! I realize it's over the New Year holiday, but, goodness! Families want to go see their loved ones become Airmen! You'd think the airlines would have a special just for that! Well, that's my rant. Hopefully we can make it down for his graduation from technical school. I think he's staying there at Lackland for that.
Well, Christmas IS nearly here. My friend, Mimi, has her faux mantle up and decorated. She tells all about it on her blog - http://www.blueroofcabin.blogspot.com/ Check out her mantle below.
Got me inspired to get my home finished. So, here's my tree -

I know, the star's a little crooked, but it's a fake tree and the top just doesn't support the star very good. It's okay, though! It's a country tree. I put only special ornaments on this year. One's that were either made for us or given us or that I bought for us or to celebrate a special occassion. Can you see the teddy bears on either side with the Santa hats? Tom's sister, Celia, made those out of reclaimed furs! We have 4 of of her bears and they're very precious to us! And, recognize the tiered, red table on the right side? That's right! It's the one from my front deck that I refurbished this summer! Brought it in for the winter and it works out great in front of the window.
Got me inspired to get my home finished. So, here's my tree -

I know, the star's a little crooked, but it's a fake tree and the top just doesn't support the star very good. It's okay, though! It's a country tree. I put only special ornaments on this year. One's that were either made for us or given us or that I bought for us or to celebrate a special occassion. Can you see the teddy bears on either side with the Santa hats? Tom's sister, Celia, made those out of reclaimed furs! We have 4 of of her bears and they're very precious to us! And, recognize the tiered, red table on the right side? That's right! It's the one from my front deck that I refurbished this summer! Brought it in for the winter and it works out great in front of the window.
Here's Mimi's mantle. Isn't it pretty?
I also made my annual ornaments for the grandkids last month. I found some bevelled glass blanks on-line and foiled, soldered and decorated them for each grand. Here's a few:
I needed to wait until they got theirs before putting them in my blog - didn't want to spoil the surprise just in case they checked me out!! I also did a Star of David for my oldes daughter's mother-in-law and her husband. This isn't the best display, but you can see it's the clear bevels. I left it plain. They can decorate it if they want or just leave it the way it is. They are great people! I always stay with them when I go visit my daughter and son-in-law and they are so gracious! I wanted to do something special for them, so I hope they like it! What do you think?
This weekend I finished my Christmas shopping, packaged up gifts for mailing and did some baking for the annual bake sale at work next Friday. We have one every year to collect donations for the local food banks. Whatever we take in, the credit union matches! Our members look forward to it and have already been asking "When's the bake sale?" and "I hope there are more of those cinnamon candies this year!".
So far I've made those 4 green tomato pies (better remember to take them out of the freezer Wednesday!), some cinnamon shortbread, and some eggnog scones. The scones were an experiment, if they taste good, I'll make some more. I'll let you know. And will take some pictures of everything.
Okay, so I think I've caught up. Oh, if you're in the Shelton, WA area and want to see a terrific Christmas program, my church - Gateway Christian Fellowship - is presenting one next weekend on Saturday and Sunday! If it's anything like the Easter program, you will be amazed and inspired! It's oopen to the public, so come check it out! After all, Christ is the Reason for the Season - right?!
Hope you all have a Very Merry Christmas!!
Just had to include a picture from last year with my handsome grandson - AB Derric Ross - who had the tree all decorated for me when I got home from work!!