This blog is just a way to share a bit of my life with friends and others who may have similar interests. If you see something you like, feel free to let me know.

Enter for your own enjoyment and Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, November 23, 2014


Thursday is Thanksgiving, something that only those living under a rock or maybe deep in some mountainous rain forest wouldn't know by now. The day we gorge ourselves on turkey, stuffing, yams in various designs, mashed potatoes and gravy and lots and lots of pie!! And then crawl to the living room where we lie on the couch or sit in the recliner or just collapse on the floor and groan with ecstasy (or pain!).  Somewhere between the turkey going in the oven and family/guests going out the door, there are hugs, kisses, laughter, tears, sharing of memories, prayers of thanks, pats on the back and toasts of gratitude to the cook or cooks and new memories being made. 

Before all the festivities, I'd like to take a few moments to recount some of the things I am most grateful for. Of course, I can't begin to list my items without starting with my family - my children, grandchildren, aunts, uncle, cousins, brother and sister-in-law and, without a doubt the love of my life, Tom. 

But then there's the things that aren't as tangible - like God's love and blessings in my life, the fact I was born in a country where I can worship freely, without fear of reprisal or death. That, as a woman, I can walk down the street alone in a pair of jeans and a shirt and not worry that I'll be stoned. I was able to attend school and college with no-one throwing acid at me or shooting me or otherwise threatening me. Yes, I am very fortunate. 

And, being born in the middle of the 20th century seeing so many changes in our country and the world both socially, technologically and medically. I watched Neil Armstrong walk on the moon, received polio and smallpox vaccinations, witnessed the realization of desegregation, danced the twist, swooned to the Beatles, rocked with the Boss, programmed a room-size computer using keypunched cards, sent texts to my grandkids on my android phone!! Whew!! And so much more!!  From having to use the outhouse at Grandma Movius' to having a toilet seat that closes itself! Now THAT'S progress!! LOL!! And so much more!!

Yes, I have much to be Thankful for not just on Thanksgiving, but everyday. And there will be many years ahead to have more things to give Thanks for. Another grandson graduates next June and then on to college. Then it will be 3 granddaughters in a row graduating and onto college. A few years and then the last 2 grandkids start their futures. I can't even imagine all the amazing advances they will see in their lifetimes!

So, whether you're traveling to family or friends, having everyone at your home or joining family and friends at a local restaurant and letting someone else do the cooking and clean up like we are this year, 

                                               HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!  
