September 29, 2011
Well, I'm back from a short trip, but haven't finished my little desk yet. So I thought I'd post a project I did earlier this summer. I got the inspiration from my a post on my friend Mimi's blog - I think I had gone to Miss Mustard Seed's site and found where she had had a contest for her followers to send in pictures of reused/refinished items they had done. Anyway, one of them was a bentwood rocker that had been painted and a new back and seat added. It gave me the idea to redo my own rocker that I've had for over 30 years but was still in pretty good shape - just a bit faded. I also had a rolling serviing table - a $5.00 yardsale find - that sits next to the rocker on my front porch that needed some sprucing up. So - here's what happened!
Table before Table after - except it's not that bright red!
I hand painted the leaves and "Dream" on.

I don't have any before pictures of the chair, but you've seen those brown bentwood rockers with the woven backs and seats. My back and seat was in good shape, just faded, so I made some cushions to tone down the maroon color of the wood.
Don't they look nice on my front porch!?!
September 17, 2011
Refinishing the blue desk
I've been putting this project off because it wasn't a "must do right away" kind of task, just a "do it when I don't have anything else and want to tackle it" kind. I found this little desk at a garage sale for $2.00
It came with some Christmas lights that had been stored inside by the previous owner. There was lots of child's writing on the inside lid, so I'm guessing it was a child's desk at one time. The challenge was to get the blue paint off and any that was under it so I could turn it into a little table for out on my back deck. So, I put on my big girl panties and went to work!
This stuff works great! First coat on the top. Had to do the hinges, too,
Safety gloves and safety goggles, too! Lid and bottom after first stripping
I know some people would keep it like this, but I'm not real crazy about the color scheme!
This is after the second stripping, some scrapping and some wire brushing. I think it's about as stripped as it's going to get. I'm pooped and hungry so that's it for now! I'm letting it all dry and then I'll clean it up a bit before using some of my free exterior paint to give it just the right look for my deck. I'll post the finished picture in a couple weeks. Taking a trip next week, so won't finish it until I get back. Check back - you'll be surprised!!
September 13, 2011
Back deck and garden projects.
Well, I promised to post some more craft projects. So I thought I'd combine showing where I love to spend my relax time with a couple of my summer projects.

This is my back deck seating area. I bought the brown wicker set at a moving sale about 5 years ago for $100.00 complete with the glass-topped coffee table - sweet!! I found the little stools at a yard sale and an antique/collectible store - total $15.00. One was painted blue and the other white, so I spray painted both green. Doesn't go with anything right now, but I plan on changing the cushions next summer. In the meantime, it's sort of an eclectic look, don't you think?
This area is across from the deck and was originally one large area with
strawberry plants and lots of weeds. The strawberry plants were getting eaten
by our local deer and looked pretty bad. I had always wanted a
way to get to the firepit area from the deck, soooooo
I dug out the steps and put some colored brick and stepping blocks down.
Lined the sides with rock to match the rest of the waterfall area and planted
some perennials. The little bridge in the foreground leads from the deck
across the water storage area.
I wanted something for the focal point in the middle of the larger part of the new garden
that would compliment the waterfall and I remembered I had made these hypertufa
planters a few years ago. I filled them with succulents and mini-thyme and
grouped them together.
This is the area nearest the waterfall. I love my frog prince! Had him for years and he
"reigns" over the flowers!
I transplanted some succulents from one of my front-yard planters in the far right side along
with an errant fern that was growing out of one of our front walkways. The pot on the right has some pretty violets that I will move to another planter later on.
Finally, I filled it all in with some redwood-colored mulch. Pretty, huh? I really
enjoy sitting in one of my wicker chairs with my feet resting on
one of my little stools with a hot cup of mocha and watching the little
birds play in the waterfall or grazing in the grass. Life is good when you're
Chillin' At The Lake!!
My"Happy Door" project!

This was my latest project - refinishing the door from my garden shed. I didn't take a before picture, but take my word - it was BAD! Dirty, peeling and the front and back boards were separating from the frame. So, first I had to clean it, scrape off peeling paint, glue the side back to the frame and held them in place with clamps for a day. Then I primed it with some free exterior paint I was given last year. Some neighbors were changing the color of their house and had purchased 4 different quarts of samples. They gave them all to me when they had made their decision and I've been waiting for enough inspiration to get after this project.
They had a light gray, which was the primer. Then I used the green for inside the panels and the soft yellow for the panels themselves. Then I used a trick I learned from my friend, Mimi, to put the lettering on - I printed out the words, then used a #2 pencil on the back to add graphite. Then I placed them on the door and used another pencil to trace around the letters. This transferred the lettering to the door. I then used some of my craft paints to fill in the letters, add some flowers, blades of grass, and butterflies for a Happy Door!!

Here it is rehung on my shed. Now I need to get busy and redo the stained glass window!! And paint the door frame, and clean and restain the cedar siding on the shed....... Oh, dear!! What have I started!?