This past week I've watched or listened to several programs about that day. Interviews with then-President George W Bush, Rudy Guiliani, actual survivors, children of survivors, loved ones left behind. There is even a Nova program exploring how the attacks affected some people religiously. There were those who drew closer to God and their families and those who are angry with God for allowing this to happen and then there are those who never believed in God in the first place and use this as proof that He doesn't exist because if He did, surely He wouldn't let this happen! Interesting views and takes on what God should or shouldn't be blamed for. Did they forget about that thing he gave us called "free will" and how some people abuse that power? Is God to blame for every bad thing that happens? I don't think so! But I'll leave that to the theologians to discuss. I saw God's hand in getting all those hundreds of people down the stairways to safety and in the people who were trapped in the elevator shaft and rescued the next day. Or in the workers who had stopped on their way in to vote and so weren't in the buildings when they were hit. He was so many places including with those who chose to jump.
Tomorrow we gather together to remember all those souls, no matter their religious beliefs or lack of them, who lost their lives or their loved ones that fateful day in the Towers, in the Pentagon and in that field in Pennsylvania. Our enemies thought these acts would drive us into oblivion and make us wither and weaken. Instead, it made us stronger. It brought us closer together as a nation and as a community. It gave us renewed appreciation for those firefighters, policemen, and other emergency responders who help us everyday. It made us stronger. I AM PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN! I am blessed to be an American! I thank God each day that I was born an American!
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